Saturday, with an added Spinach flail.
I haven’t managed to make Iron infused cake (yet!) but I have had a wail of a time making Iron filled dinners and taking my new amazing liquid iron stuff and now its become a bit of a running joke between my friends and I.
Last week I tried the Iron tablets, however tablets and I don’t get on and these didn't even work crushed up with water in a shot glass (surprising considering my ability to demolish Jager shots). So last Saturday I spent my afternoon hunting Hove for some liquid Iron, which was harder to find than you would think! After heading to my local pharmacy, Superdrug and Boots I was left with 1 option and now like all the middle aged yummy Mummys out there I have a Holland and Barratt loyalty card!!!
So then I trekked off to Tesco to buy red meat, spinach and fruit juice and had a major flail as for the first time in ages I actually felt like and ill person, I was walking around Tesco armed with my list of foods I needed, not wanted and I flailed because I felt like I had to go and do this and suddenly my life in other ways than just taking medication. I had to think Iron. In the grand scheme of things this is ridiculous, and I am very aware that almost crying in the fresh meat department is really unnecessary but I couldn't help it.
Once I got home, loaded with shopping bags full of high Iron foods and fruit juice (to help absorb Iron) I felt a bit better and then I made an amazing Shepherd’s pie, with extra spinach, it was wonderful.
Stay tuned for more iron fuelled adventures, with no tears in the meat isle, and maybe I’ll make a Iron infused cake
(or Jager shot).